You’re looking for different credit cards that may be a fresh air for your life. Well, sometimes applying for a credit card that is always the same in has always the same benefits, always the same with the views can be very tiring and annoying, which we cannot blame you.
Which is why this credit card is going to be a fresh air for your life. It’s new, it’s different, and it’s pretty amazing. We are talking about the YES Bank Paisabazaar PaisaSave. This credit card has a lot of information. We talked about it in the first part of the article where we mentioned all the benefits, disadvantages and other things.
Today, though, we are going to take a look at how you can apply for it because after reading the first part, the application process is the next step. So if you are interested in learning more about the application process in which you need to have, we are bringing you a list down below.
What are the requirements needed to apply?
To apply for a credit card, you must have specific requirements. Requirements are necessary, they are needed, and you must be aware of them because they are going to change a lot.
Thankfully, we are here to bring you a list with all the requirements. They are not going to be complicated, but they can be something that you must be aware of, or else it’s not that common to complete. Let’s just take a look.
- Minimum Net Salary of INR 25,000 per month or Income Tax Return of INR 5 lakhs and above Existing YES BANK Credit Cardholders are not eligible for this card
- Salaried or self-employed
- Between 21 and 60 years of age
What documents are needed to request the YES Bank Paisabazaar PaisaSave
And what about the documents? Because yes, this credit card does need a certain amount of documents to make it possible.
That is not something that you should be scared of that there are many documents, and you’re not going to be able to get them. But it’s something very simple. You don’t need to worry either way. Let’s just take a look and see what you can make of it.
- Proof of residence
- Proof of income
- Identity document
What are the biggest uses of this credit card?
There are many uses on the credit card and that is essential for your application process. One way to make sure that you are someone that is going to enjoy this credit card a lot is taking a look at the uses that it has.
That way you can compare it to your daily life and what you use credit cards normally and see if this is the one for you. Let’s take a look.
Fuel surcharge waiver
Traveling is important, but not only traveling by plane but traveling by car because cars are going to be the easiest and most common way of travels, so why would you not have benefits for it? Which is why this credit card has a 1% fuel surcharge waiver up to 250 Rs.
Cashback in reward points
That’s not the only benefit that you get. The cash back is pretty amazing. You see, when you use this credit card on any type of online purchases and transactions, you are going to get 3% of it in rewards points. And if you make offline purchases, you get 1.5%.
Contactless transactions
Making payments is important and this credit card makes sure that it is the easiest and fastest way that you can earn a lot of things, which is why you can get the access to the amazing contactless transactions which are going to make the payments of your purchases way faster.
No annual fee
Annual fees can be annoying and very complicated, and we understand that because we don’t really like them either. The thing is, with this credit card, you get know, and you will feel you can apply for it, you can enjoy it, and you don’t have to pay a single penny.
Our advice for those who are going to apply for the YES Bank Paisabazaar PaisaSave
Well, there are many things that we can advise you with, but we are going to take a look mainly on the benefits of the card. This is a card with a lot of benefits on the fees as before mentioned and that is something that you should extremely be aware.
If you are someone that uses credit cards for higher lifestyles, if you travel a lot, if you want benefits with airplanes or air companies, this may not be the one for you. And that is something that we want you to advise on. Take a look at the benefits, analyze them, and see if this is really the one.
Weighing advantages and disadvantages - Is it worth it?
With everything that we have seen, we believe that it can be worth it, especially if you are someone that lives on a more quiet lifestyle. Most people don’t live extravagant lives. You don’t go traveling every week, and you don’t spend a lot of money.
This is a credit card with its main benefits being purchases and things like that. You can get cash back and some benefits on the fees and there’s that. It can be fewer benefits than any other card, but the ones that it has are for a specific group of people. If you feed those people, this is the one for you.
Request your YES Bank Paisabazaar PaisaSave on the official website once and for all!
Apply for the credit cards today. Well, that is, if you want to. Learning a lot of these things is going to make sure that the application process of the card is way faster and easier.
Thankfully, you already know everything that you need to know, and that is something extremely important. Down below, you can click on the link and go to the official page of the credit card, where of course you can start the application.